The junior and senior years of high school are packed. There’s all the academic, athletic and extra-curricular activities any average high school student already has. Plus, there are the added preparations for the transition to college: taking act or sat tests, keeping up a strong gpa, and visiting schools. It can be overwhelming!
The temptation to cut corners and slack off at this point though can be really costly.
There are areas to cut back and others where efforts need to be redoubled. The trick for a teen is knowing which is which.
This “note to self” is meant to be a reminder of where to place your priorities when it comes to selecting your top school choices:

If narrowing down your school list has you tied up in knots. We can help.
Call college planners of america today to sit down with an independent educational consultant who’s already done the legwork for you. Wouldn’t you love to talk with someone who has visited over 700 college admissions offices across the us and abroad? How much time and effort would that save you?
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